Base oil SN300
Base oil SN 300
Base Oil SN 300 falls under Grade I base oil as a light-grade base oil, making it a suitable and efficient choice for producing lubricants and lubricant additives.
The wide applications and capabilities of SN300 are due to several factors, its medium viscosity allows for a high degree of adaptability, and it is also characterized by a stable hydrocarbon structure Besides being a solvent-neutral base oil, this paves the way for producing a series of efficient lubricants for automotive, industrial, and manufacturing facilities.
Recycling waste lube oils is achieved through a highly advanced procedure at MASAFEE to ensure the lowest possible degree of impurities and conform to the global quality standards
A detailed re-refining method decreases the environmental impact, offering a more eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to traditional base oils.
Base oil SN 300 Benefits and Advantages
Accurate solvent refining, dewaxing, and hydrogen treatment help guarantee that Base Oil SN300 is a reliable option that is ready to be used in a wide array of industrial and automotive applications, this also provides MASAFEE’s product with a long set of benefits
- Long shelf life: SN300 is characterized by its low reactivity which enhances its storage stability and resistance to oxidation and degradation.
- High thermal stability: a feature that makes SN300 ready for applications demanding consistent performance under elevated temperatures.
- Absence of harmful chemicals: provides safety in various applications and minimizes environmental and health risks due to its relatively clean composition
- Versatility: a wide range of products used in industrial and automotive sectors can be manufactured through SN300
- High Lubrication Capabilities: SN300’s specifications enable providing the needed lubrication to protect equipment in moderate operating conditions.
- Compatibility: Ease of combination with additives that boost performance
- Cost-Effective: A more affordable solution compared to Group II and III oils.
Sn 300 Base Oil Uses Applications
Due to its versatility and properties, SN300 Base Oil is widely used in various industries. Key applications include:
Automotive Lubricants: Gear oils and transmission fluids are the most prominent products
Industrial Lubricants: Re-refined Base Oil SN300 can be utilized to produce Hydraulic oils, compressor oils, and turbine oils.
Metalworking Fluids: Base oils can be turned into cutting, grinding, and machining oils.
Manufacturing Procedures: Base Oil SN300 comes among the required ingredients for manufacturing rubber, adhesives, and sealants.
Transformer Oils: The re-refined base oil can be utilized in electrical applications for insulation and cooling.
Sn 300 Base Oil Handling Instructions:
Despite the low toxic hazard of lubricants containing highly refined mineral oils under normal usage conditions, all lubricants should be handled with caution, avoiding skin and eye contact is one of the most important points to consider in addition to avoiding ingestion, and exposure of clothing to the base oil.
Airborne exposures must be inhibited to the lowest feasible level. Base oil should also be stored in adequate ventilation during use and after handling, the thorough washing of hands must be maintained.
Storage: The oil container should be tightly closed in a cool, well-ventilated area.
Empty containers may contain combustible residues, thus appropriate safety precautions must be applied during cutting, grinding, drilling, welding, or disposal of containers.
Important Note:
Electrostatic charges can accumulate during handling which may pose serious risks, always ensure proper bonding and grounding measures.
Base oil SN300 HS Code:
The HS Code for Base Oil SN300 is 271019, which can be further broken down into:
- 27 – refers to Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils, and Products of Their Distillation such as crude oil, refined petroleum products, and lubricants.
- 10 – A subcategory that is related to refined oils like base oils and lubricating oils.
- 19 is a specific code for Other Oils that are not specifically segmented elsewhere in the broader mineral oils subcategory, Base Oil SN300 and similar products used for blending lubricants are typically referred to by this number.
(SN) refers to “Solvent-Neutral”:
Solvent Indicates that the base oil has been refined using solvents like furfural or methyl-ethyl ketone to eliminate undesirable substances.
Neutral elaborates the oil's neutral pH and its general suitability for blending into a wide range of lubricant products.
"300" signifies the oil's approximate viscosity at 40°C:
This naming convention helps differentiate base oils based on their viscosity and production method. Other similar products include SN600 and SN1200.
Base oil SN300 Quality Standards
SN300 is categorized among Group I base oils, characterized by specific quality standards that ensure its performance in various industrial and automotive applications.
This is determined by physical and chemical properties matching international standards set by regulatory entities and global industry organizations.
SN300 Base Oil Price
The price of SN300 Base Oil can vary based on several factors:
Market Conditions:
- Base Oil SN300’s prices are generally affected by the global petrol prices as well as the supply and demand of lubricating products such as automotive engine oils, this causes noticeable fluctuations.
Quantity and Bulk Purchasing:
- Quantities agreed on in contracts have a great effect on prices, bulk contracts may lower the prices significantly, while small quantities may come at a higher unit price.
Geographic Location:
- Variations of taxes and different factors affecting supply chains, as well as import/export duties cause differences in prices between a region and another.
History of Base Oil SN300
The use of oils as lubricants dates back to ancient civilizations, including the ancient Egyptian civilization, early lubricants were primarily animal fats and plant oils and were aimed at reducing friction in machinery and tools.
Industrial Revolution (18th-19th Century):
Steam engines began spreading widely during the Industrial Revolution duration which drove a wide demand for refined oils as lubricants, this caused the development of mineral oils derived from crude oil.
Birth of Modern Base Oils (20th Century)
The early 20th century witnessed the rise of advanced refining technologies which paved the way to extracting high-quality oils from crude oil. During this time, solvent-refining methods became popular to remove impurities from crude oil, leading to the creation of Group I base oils, such as SN300.
This solvent-neutral base oil was formulated through the solvent-refining process. It became known for its medium viscosity and ability to serve as a base oil for automotive and industrial lubricants.
SN300… A Cornerstone For Lubricant Production
SN300 remains one of the most widely used base oils due to its cost-effectiveness, medium viscosity, and reliability.
This enables its utilization in a wide range of applications, from engine oils and industrial lubricants to greases.
SN300 is also known for its compatibility with additives, which allows for the customization of performance characteristics, such as improving oxidation stability and wear protection.
The history of Base Oil SN300 is often correlated with the evolution of refining technologies, the development of lubricating oils, and the industry's move toward sustainability, and today it remains a cornerstone in the production of high-performance lubricants across diverse industries.
MASAFEE: The Main Guard Of Sustainability
MASAFEE prides itself on being an ambassador of sustainability by specializing in recycling waste oils to produce sustainable base oils, contributing to the evolution of base oils in a greener, more eco-friendly direction.