Base Oil SN1200

Base Oil SN1200

Base Oil SN1200

What differentiates it from other types of base oils is its high viscosity index, and on the other hand, it is a low viscous lubricant, the high viscosity index means that it maintains its viscosity under a wide range of temperatures, making it the ultimate choice in applications at which temperatures fluctuate widely.

Because of the Base Oil SN1200’s low pour point, it remains fluid in extremely cold conditions.

Consistent with MASAFEE’s other offerings, Base Oil SN1200 undergoes rigorous solvent refining processes, ensuring its effectiveness as a sustainable key ingredient in lubricant manufacturing, and competitiveness in terms of pricing compared to virgin oil, the meticulous refining process provides SN1200 with exceptional oxidation stability, which boosts the oil’s lifetime and improved performance in high-temperature applications.

Base Oil SN1200 Benefits & Advantages

Lubricant Recycling and Re-refining provide a set of advantages regarding sustainability and low emissions as it produce nearly zero emissions, the re-refined product also promotes a circular economy by providing a new lifetime for waste lube oils.

MASAFEE’s re-refined Base Oil SN1200 is distinguished by several unique benefits that help formulate high-quality lubricants, making it a highly valuable component.

Excellent Viscosity Index (VI): this ensures that the outcome product’s maintenance for viscosity over a wide range of temperatures.

Fluctuating operating temperatures is one of the ultimate demands for using base oil SN1200 due to its consistent lubrication performance.  

Low Pour Point: this means that the fluidity of the lubricant is maintained even at low temperatures.

Improved Low-Temperature Performance: The combination of high viscosity index and low pour point results in superior low-temperature performance.

easier cold starts, better flow, and ultimate protection for engine components during a variety of weather operations are among the top benefits of using lubricants formulated from Base Oil SN1200.

Good Oxidation Stability: SN1200 resists breakdowns and degradation during exposure to air and high temperatures.

This translates to extended oil life and improved performance in high-temperature applications.

Versatility: Base Oil SN1200 can be used in formulating a series of grades of engine oils, transmission fluids, gear oils, metalworking fluids, hydraulic oils, and greases.

Cost-Effectiveness: As a Group I base oil, SN1200 is generally more cost-effective compared to higher-grade Group II or Group III base oils.

Availability: SN1200 is widely available from various suppliers, ensuring easy accessibility for lubricant manufacturers and formulators.

Sn1200 Base Oil Uses & Applications

Base oil SN1200 is a versatile component that can be used in the manufacturing of various products such as:

  • Engine oils

A common additive that is blended during the formulation of several engine oil grades

  • Transmission fluids

The oil’s viscosity properties ensure adequate lubricating capabilities for transmissions

  • Gear oils

Such characteristics make Base Oil SN1200 a suitable choice for several industrial and automotive applications

  • Metalworking fluids

 It's used in some metalworking fluids due to its good lubricity and oxidation stability.  

  • Greases

A series of Greases, especially those designed for high-temperature applications, can be produced utilizing base Oil SN1200

  •  Hydraulic oils

 A component in certain hydraulic oils, especially those used in industrial applications.  

Sn1200 Base Oil Handling & Storage Instructions

Lubricants containing highly refined mineral oils and specific additives generally pose no significant toxic hazard under normal usage conditions. However, all lubricants should be handled with caution, especially to avoid skin contact.

Prevent splashing and keep the lubricant away from combustible materials. Storage should be in a covered area that’s protected from potential pollution risks. Used oil should be disposed of properly without discharging into drains, watercourses, or soil. 

\Suitable personal protection equipment such as safety glasses, gloves, and protective attire, to reduce skin and eye exposure, in addition to respiratory protection in areas with inadequate ventilation or during activities that might produce mists or vapors.

Spill control materials, such as absorbent pads or booms, must be accessible.

In the event of a spill, contain it immediately to prevent further pollution.

Promptly clean up spills and dispose of contaminated materials appropriately.

Inhaling vapors or mists can also be extremely dangerous thus, sufficient ventilation in workspaces and adequate prevention methods must be ensured.

Storage Area:

Base oil must be stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated space environment far from direct sunlight and heat sources and well prepared to resist contamination from dust, dirt, and moisture by utilizing tightly closed containers, aiming to avert evaporation, besides regular checking for any leaks or damages, For bulk amounts, proper grounding and bonding must be maintained to mitigate static electricity accumulation.

  • Different grades or types of base oils must be separated to prevent cross-contamination.

 Waste Disposal:

  • Overseeing local regulations is a must to avoid any violation during the disposal of waste oil and contaminated materials.

Base oil SN1200 HS Code

The HS Code for Base Oil SN1200 is 271019, which can be further broken down into:

  • 27 – refers to Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils, and Products of Their Distillation such as crude oil, refined petroleum products, and lubricants.
  • 10 – A subcategory that is related to refined oils like base oils and lubricating oils.
  • 19 is a specific code for Other Oils that are not specifically segmented elsewhere in the broader mineral oils subcategory, Base Oil SN1200 and similar products used for blending lubricants are typically referred to by this number.

Base Oil SN1200 Price

Several factors affect Base Oil SN1200’s price:

Crude Oil Prices  

Base oils such as SN1200 originate from crude oil, making their prices vulnerable to fluctuations in the crude oil market.  

Geopolitical situations, decisions by global entities, or natural factors impacting oil production can also lead to variations in prices.  

Refining and Production Costs  

Refining Process: The costs of development, increased energy costs, upgrades to equipment,  and advanced solvent refining procedures noticeably influence pricing.

Supply Chain Efficiency

Production costs can increase due to delays or inefficiencies in transportation and refining processes.  

Supply and Demand  

SN600 is extensively utilized in automotive lubricants, industrial oils, and greases. A surge in demand from these industries can elevate prices.  

The need for lubricants often rises during specific seasons (for instance, winter for heating or summer for construction), which can indirectly influence SN1200 prices.  

Quality Standards  

Specifications: Changes in quality standards or more stringent environmental regulations may require refineries to invest in facility upgrades, resulting in higher prices for SN1200.  

Additive Costs  

The necessary additives for SN1200 to meet particular industrial or environmental standards, besides the costs for research and development, can also affect pricing.
The Outcome Of a Thorough Development

Using lubricants dates back more than 100 years, while what we see today is a result of continuous, enormous, development efforts besides the several regulations that were implied to push the quality further while protecting the environment.

Base Oil SN1200 19th Century

The rise of base oils originates from the beginning of the 19th century with the emergence of automotive and machinery, the primary forms of oils equal to the current SN600 were unrefined and crude.

This type was used in basic machinery due to its high viscosity and film strength.

1920-1930: The Introduction Of Solvent Refining

The introduction of solvent refining was introduced to make a noticeable leap in the quality of lubricants through the removal of impurities such as sulfur and aromatic compounds.

Elevating the standards

Over the decades, the demand for lubricating products rose substantially, parallel to the Industrial Revolution on the development of machinery, earlier forms of lubricants were produced through much simpler refining processes than the currently applied procedures, this caused the quality of the oil to vary massively according to the operating conditions.

The increasing complexity of equipment drove advancements in refining techniques, leading to the classification of base oils. This classification provided a standardized segmentation of lubricant grades by viscosity, as more advanced machinery demanded increasingly sophisticated lubricants.

A general classification was applied by the American Petroleum Institute which classified solvent-refined base oils into 5 groups, Base Oil SN 1200 lies in group I which includes the light-grade variations characterized by low viscosity.

The Transition to Hydroprocessing: Although SN 1200 remains extensively utilized, there is a growing preference for newer base oils with enhanced characteristics, such as hydroprocessed oils found in Groups II and III, driven by more stringent environmental standards and heightened performance expectations.

Masafee provides a new life for waste lube oil, producing several grades of efficient re-refined base oils, SN 1200 comes among them as an efficient solution for producing heavy-duty lubricants.

MASAFEE: The Main Guard Of Sustainability

MASAFEE prides itself on being an ambassador of sustainability by specializing in recycling waste oils to produce sustainable base oils, contributing to the evolution of base oils in a greener, more eco-friendly direction.

Base Oil SN1200 Specification